

Therapeutic Hysteroscopy Course

Course Dates: Wednesday 29 January 2025

Venue: ICENI centre, Colchester Hospital

Suitable for: Gynae trainees, SAS Doctors, Clinical fellows and Nurse Hysteroscopists

Course Fee:

£100 (Reduced rate is available for ESNEFT staff & Eastern Deanery Trainees)

£25 Nurse Hysteroscopists

Course Content:

The course provides a foundation for clinicians providing care in hysteroscopy clinics at our world-class minimal access simulation Centre in Colchester.

The course includes experience-enlightening lectures & priceless hands-on experience in hysteroscopy techniques.

It also includes paracervical, intracervical and fundal blocks, Myosure morcellation of polyps & fibroids, Novosure endometrial ablation, Sonata radiofrequency ablation of fibroids and a review of the recent advances in the management of uterine fibroids

Introduction to Assisting in Robotics Surgery

Aimed at SCP’s, First Assistants & Senior Scrub Nurses

This course has been accredited 12 CPD Points by the Royal College of Surgeons of England

Course Dates: Next Date TBC

Course Fee: £300

Course Duration: 2 Days

Day 1: Observation in theatres

Day 2: Hands-on practice & lectures

  • Overview of Xi Robot
  • Understanding the importance of port placement
  • Docking & undocking the robot with hands on practice
  • The importance of Human Factors & good communication in robotics theatre
  • Trouble shooting when supporting a robotics procedure

Nurses Essential Surgical & Laparoscopic Skills Course

Date: 2024-25 Dates TBC

Course Fee: Free for ESNEFT staff

Introduction for Nursing staff into basic surgical & laparoscopic skills including:

  • Different methods of suturing including interrupted; continuous; mattress; subcuticular & the knotted suture loop
  • General principles and methods of knot tying
  • Local anaesthetic infiltration
  • Laparoscopic skills

To register email

Mr Adam Howard

Mr Adam Howard

Course Lead

Holmium Laser Encleation Prostate (HoLEP) Training Day

Course Date: Next Date TBC – You can register your interest for the next course by filling in the form below.

Venue: ICENI Centre, Colchester Hospital

Suitable for: Urological Trainees & Specialist Nurses

Course Fee: £30

Course Details: This course includes perioperative aspects of HoLEP, nurses’ aspects of HoLEP, the role of the laser operator, the use of the Homium laser and nursing aspects of morcellation.

There are three simulated scenarios:

  • Theatre staff, equipment and fluid balance
  • Laser demonstration and safety aspects in theatre
  • Morcellation

In collaboration with Olympus.

Mr Zafar Maan

Mr Zafar Maan

Consultant Urologist
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