
Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Mr Barry Whitlow

Mr Barry Whitlow

Consultant Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Robotic-Assisted Gynaecology SITM

Course Dates: Next Date TBC

Venue: ICENI centre, Colchester Hospital

Course Fee: £450 (Reduced rate is available for ESNEFT staff & Eastern Deanery Trainees)

Course Topics:

The course starts with a virtual skills assessment and then covers:

  • An overview of the Xi Robot
  • Port placement and docking the robot with hand-on practice
  • Simulation and uterine ally positioning system
  • Dry skills lab training, including live suturing and diathermy

Gynae HiFi TM Course

(High Fidelity Fresh Tissue Simulation Model)

The ICENI Centre, in collaboration with Cooper Surgical

Date: Thursday 26th & Friday 27th June 2025

**You can register your interest for the next course by filling in the form below**

Course Lead: Mr. Barry Whitlow

Suitable for ST6+

Course Topics:

This is a unique hybrid straight stick & robotic surgical VR simulator course.

  • Laparoscopic Myomectomy and Morcellation
  • Excision and repair of bladder/rectal/ureteric endometriosis
  • Ally UPS set-up
  • ERBE biclamp/Bisect set-up
  • TLH for new RCOG SITM in gynaecological care
  • Bladder/Ureteric Nodules
  • Cystoscopy & Ureteric Catheter Placement for new RCOG SITM in endometriosis care
  • Robotic Gynae Surgery

Delegate Quotes from 2022:

“The model was great.  The supervision and help was friendly and non-judgmental.”

“Thank you so much for arranging this brilliant course and amazing team.  Keep it up please.  Thank you!”

Barry Whitlow

Barry Whitlow

Course Leader

The picture shows the GyneSIM Tissue Simulation Hysterectomy Model, courtesy of Malcom ‘Kip’ Mackenzie, Founder of GyneSIM.

Want to find out more about the Gynae HIFI TM Course?  Why not take a look at our video.

Click on the link to watch:

Augmented Reality & High Fidelity Endoscopic Gynaecological Surgery

Date: 2024 Dates TBC

Course Fees:  £350

Location: ICENI Centre, Colchester Hospital, Essex.  UK

Practical Course

Day 1: Augmented reality laparoscopic salpingectomy & salpingotomy,  Laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy

Day 2: Augmented reality laparoscopic myomectomy and closure Augmented reality laparoscopic vault closure, Morcellation

This course is approved in the Eastern Deanery For the benign gynaecology ATSM

Delegate Quote:
  • “Thank you.  It was an amazing course.  I have learnt a lot.”
Barry Whitlow

Barry Whitlow

Course Leader

HEE East of England

Interventions in Labour: Learning Outcomes for Upcoming Trainees

Date: Next Date TBC

Course Fee: £50

Suitable for: East of England Regional Trainees, aimed to equip trainees for ST3

Topics Include:

  • Fully dilated LSCS
  • Vaginal Breech delivery
  • Malpositions
  • Instrumental delivery
  • Manual rotation
  • Shoulder Dystocia
  • Labour Ward Masterclass
  • Intrapartum USS

Comprehensive Course Guide included in the price, written by trainees for trainees

Kelsie Sykes

HEE East of England Deanery

Endometriosis Study Day

Date & Time: Next Date TBC

Course Fee: £50

Suitable for: Advances in Endometriosis Management: A hands-on training
day for ST3+

Course Overview:

Join us for an immersive day of learning, where you’ll hear from leading
experts in endometriosis management and gain hands-on experience in a
Simulation lab. You’ll leave with new insights, practical tips and enhanced
skills to improve your practice and help your patients.
The course targets RCOG E-Portfolio CiP 6, 7 and 11.

Dr. Rahul Gore
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